Ilya Nykin
Founder and Managing Director
A Prolog co-founder and managing director, Ilya has more than 25 years of experience with new ventures as both an investor and entrepreneur. Prior to Prolog, Ilya co-founded, with Teddy Shalon, technology incubator Metaphase and several healthcare-focused start-ups created under that umbrella, including antimicrobial material developer BioPolymerix and diagnostic instrument company Metaphase Ophthalmic. Ilya’s entrepreneurial career began in 1984 when he co-founded, also with Teddy Shalon, Ivy Technologies, a developer of medical software subsequently acquired by Alcon (then a unit of Nestlé and now a division of Novartis). Ilya studied at MGPI in Moscow, Leningrad University, and Odessa University, and holds a master’s degree in applied mathematics.
The talent I would most like to have is mind reading.
My motto is better to act and then regret than fail to act and then regret.
I could never give up my self-winding mechanical watch.
I would like to be the world’s best storyteller.
My favorite book is The Master and Margarita.